We use Adobe Contribute to edit/manage our web site at work. We’re also steadily moving to Windows Server 2008. I was thus a bit disappointed to see that when I tried to install CPS on Windows Server 2008, it just sat there – trying to install, but in fact doing nothing at all. Being a) stubborn and b) probably stupid (let’s face it, Contribute is dead), I was able to bring it up by copying an existing installation from Windows Server 2003 and then registering the services appropriately. Here’s what I did (your paths and server names will vary). In this example, WEBSTAGE is the old Windows Server 2003 box and WEBSTAGE08 is the new Windows Server 2008 box.
- Copied C:\Program Files\Macromedia\Contribute Publishing Services from WEBSTAGE to WEBSTAGE08.
- From the Command Prompt, created the CPS service (note space after “binPath=” – important and annoying to miss)
sc.exe create CPS binPath= ”C:\Program Files\Macromedia\Contribute Publishing Services\jrun4\bin\jrunsvc.exe” - Exported HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Macromedia\Macromedia Contribute Publishing Server from WEBSTAGE to CPS1.reg.
- Exported HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\CPS from WEBSTAGE to CPS2.reg.
- Edited CPS2.reg and removed the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\CPS\Security and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\CPS\Enum sections.
- Imported CPS1.reg and CPS2.reg on WEBSTAGE08.
- Started the Macromedia Contribute Publishing Server service on WEBSTAGE08.
- Added firewall exception to allow access to all ports opened by C:\Program Files\Macromedia\Contribute Publishing Services\jrun4\bin\jrun.exe.
- Opened https://webstage08:8900/contribute/admin/server.cfm.
- Logged in with old admin password and changed to new admin password.
- Switched to Website Settings panel and deleted webstage website.
- Launched Contribute CS3, created a new connection to WEBSTAGE08 and added https://webstage08:8900/contribute as the publishing server.
That’s it. Can’t believe it worked, really.